Notarial fee


of 28 June 2004 r. on maximum rates of notarial fees
(the Journal of Laws No. 148, item 1564, as amended)

§ 3. The maximum rates amount to:
1) from the value up to PLN 3,000 - PLN 100
2) from the value above PLN 3,000 to PLN 10,000 - PLN 100 + 3 % of the surplus above PLN 3,000
3) from the value above PLN 10,000 to PLN 30,000 - PLN 310 + 2 % of the surplus above PLN 10,000
4) from the value above PLN 30,000 to PLN 60,000 - PLN 710 + 1 % of the surplus above PLN 30,000
5) from the value above PLN 60,000 to PLN 1,000,000 - PLN 1,010 + 0.4 % of the surplus above PLN 60,000
6) from the value above PLN 1,000,000 to PLN 2,000,000 - PLN 4.770 + 0.2 % of the surplus above PLN 1,000,000
7) from the value above PLN 2,000,000 - PLN 6,770 + 0.25 % of the surplus above PLN 2,000,000, but not more than PLN 10,000, and in the case of acts performed between persons belonging to 1st tax group within the meaning of provisions of the law of 28 July 1983 on tax on inheritance and donations - not more than PLN 7,500.

§ 8. The maximum rate for drawing up a notarial deed documenting:
1) a real estate transfer agreement, if it involves payment of the benefits on account of social insurance of farmers or a structural allowance
co-financed from the resources of the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund - amounts to PLN 600
2) articles of marriage - amounts to PLN 400
3) last will - amounts to PLN 50
4) last will including bequeathing a legacy, instruction or depriving the beneficiary of the right to legitim - amounts to PLN 150
5) revocation of a will - amounts to PLN 30
6) exempting a real estate from burden or waiver of a right, if the value of the object is undeterminable - amounts to PLN 60
7) renouncement of property or right of perpetual usufruct - amounts to PLN 80
8) power of attorney granted to perform one act - amounts to PLN 30, whereas at acts including an authorization to perform more than one act - PLN 100
9) declaration of accepting or rejecting inheritance - amounts to PLN 50.

§ 10a. 1. The maximum rate for drawing up a deed of certification of intestacy or testacy, a supplementary deed of certification of inheritance relating to heirs inheriting an agricultural farm amounts to PLN 50.
2. The maximum rate for drawing up a record of inheritance amounts to PLN 100.
3. The maximum rate for drawing up a record of reading and publication of a will amounts to PLN 50.
4. The maximum rate for drawing up a certificate of appointing the executor of a will amounts to PLN 30.

§ 13. The maximum rate:
1) for certifying the authenticity of a signature, or of a fingerprint of an illiterate person or a person unable to write:
a) on documents, if the object is indicated by a sum of money - amounts to 1/10 of the maximum rate chargeable if the document was to be drawn up in the form of a notarial deed, but not more than PLN 300
b) on powers of attorney and other documents - amounts to PLN 20
2) for certifying the conformity of a copy with a document presented, for each page - amounts to PLN 6
3) for certifying the date of a document presentation, for each page - amounts to PLN 6
4) for certifying a person remaining alive:
a) for the purpose of obtaining a pension, annuity or other social insurance benefits - amounts to PLN 5,
b) for another purpose - amounts to PLN 30
5) for certifying a person remaining in a definite location - amounts to PLN 30.

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